Organizational context.
As part of the Namheng Group of Companies, Namheng Stone Co., Ltd. was originally established for the purpose of obtaining and supplying essential raw materials of sufficient quantity and of high quality to Namheng Concrete (1992) Co., Ltd., and also to other customers with in the construction industry as required. Set up with a capital investment of Bt 175 million and a production capacity of 1,200 tons/hour, the production plant is locat- ed at 7/2 Moo 6, Pu Kam Chan, Pra Bhuddapath, Saraburi, on a 127 square meter area.The company has a quarry of several hund- red square meters, containing high quality limestone, equivalent to ASTM C33 Quality Standard, an essential raw material for concrete production, and includes quarried stone husks, power stones and mixed stones all suitable for the construction industry.
Quality Policy ISO 9001: 2015.
"Standard quality Impressive service "in quality management In each process, set quality goals and consider potential risks. In order to achieve commitment to achieve quality goals and to eliminate various risks successfully And taking into account the environmental protection to meet the appropriate standards for all production units By starting to implement the environmental management system (ISO 14001: 2015) to be used at the Watcharapol production unit first to pilot and expand to other production units in the future.
Environmental Policy ISO 14001: 2015.
"Standard quality Impressive service Caring for the environment "in environmental management Evaluated every activity that occurred Both inside and outside the production unit that has direct and indirect environmental impact risks Including protecting, preventing and solving pollution problems that affect the environment as well In the event of a natural disaster, be careful There is preparation for prevention, correction and appropriateness. For example, in case of insufficient drought or water, prepare a large water reserve tank for production and control of the environment in the production unit. In case of floods that are likely to occur Have prepared to lift the equipment that is low to give up at an appropriate level Transport chemicals that may cause danger and evacuate the population in the unit Go out in a safe place Buildings in the area have been carried out according to engineering principles. With proper construction certification Able to support earthquakes at the basic level For other cases, keep monitoring and follow the emergency situation further. Provide training Employees at all levels To have knowledge and ability to perform work Including how to work as a team so that the company Can maintain the standard level sustainably And continue to develop to other standards.
From considering risks related to business competition Business has changed over time, with different strengths, weaknesses, selling points for each organization. The identification of external issues within the SWOT Analysis is therefore required to continuously improve the management system. In accordance with the requirements.